Alan De Smet Article 4786 of alt.ascii-art: Path: uwvax!!chaos From: Alan De Smet Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Subject: Magic: The Gathering Logo Date: 14 Feb 1994 18:44:06 GMT Organization: Undergraduate Projects Lab Lines: 63 Message-ID: <2jogpm$> NNTP-Posting-Host: I recently saw the following .sig somewhere, and realized that it was possible to combine two of my favorite hobbies, Magic:The Gathering, and ASCII Art. I apologize to the author for losing the attribution. __ __, _ __,__, __, _ / \_( \ /_\ //~_) |//~' _ (_) _ / % : '<_v_\\\~/|_(\\__, _ (_) (_) / /\ C\ \ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ _ _ / / \ \ \ \ The Gathering (_) (_) ~~~ ~~` ~~` First I tried a "simpler" more legible form that I'm not real happy with, but it was a try. __ __ __ __ __. ___ / \_> \ /_\ / _') (/ / / \ <_/_\\__>)_(\_____- /~/\ /\ \ '~ / / \ \ \ \ The Gathering --chaos -~~ ~~` ~~` Then I realized that I could capture the flavor much better with a larger graphic. Voila! Something I'm really proud of. (I admit the "The Gathering" words are a bit illegible, and if someone could do better and still fit it in the size, please post a new version. _____ _____ ___ _. __ ____ ____. _ `~-, \ `~-, \ ~-_~~ \ / ~~ / ( /' ,-~~~~~~,' / \ /' \ /~>\ \ ( /~~~\/ ) | .' /~~~)/ / \ / \ / / \ \ | | ~==~~| | | | ( ' /',/\ \/ '/\ \ / <_,'>\ \ \ \___) | | | | \_ _____ / / \ / \ \/ / \ \ \ __ | ) ( _`-_ ~~ ____]==' / / \ | \ \~~~~~ `~~~~ ~~ ~\|(=~~~~~' `~~~~___. . / / \ \ \ \ ___ _ | |\ /| / / | | \ \ `|''| / ' _._| .,_ _ | | V | / / \ \ \ \ | |^ %) | __'T T |^ %)/^|| )/ \ / ( | | \ \ .|. | |\, \_|(] | | |\,[ || |\_/ / \, \ \ \ \ ' \ /___---' | ,-'~ .) `. (~) .=~~ `~ `~~~~~~~' ~ --chaos Here's a shaded version I tried. Not bad, not good, just different. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::'_____`:::'_____`::::::'___''_.`:::'__`'____`'____.`::'''''''_``:::: :::::::::::`~-, \`::`~-, \`:::::.~-_~~ \ ::'/ ~~ / ( / ,-~~~~~~,'.:::: ::::::::::::'/ \`::'/' \`::::'/~>\ \`'( /~~~\/ ) | .' /~~~)/.:::::: :::::::::::'/ \`'/ \`::'/ / \ \ | |:~==~~| | | | ( ::.'.::::::: ::::::::::'/',/\ \/ '/\ \`'/ <_,'>\ \ \ \___) | | | | \_`'_____`::` :::::::::'/ /..\ /..\ \/ / .\ \ \ __ | ) ( _`-_ ~~ ____]==' ::::::::'/ /.::.\ |`:.\ \~~~~~ .:.`~~~~.~~..~\|(=~~~~~'...`~~~~___..::. :::::::'/ /.::::.\ \`:.\ \`:::___:::::::::_:::::::::::::::::::::|:|\:/| ::::::'/ /.::::::.| |`:.\ \`::`|''|::::::/:': _._|::::::.,_::_::|:|:V:| :::::'/ /.::::::::.\ \`:.\ \`::|::|^:%):|:;_'T:T:|^:%)/^||:)/:\:::::::: ::::'/ ( ::::::::::.| |`:.\ \`:|::|:|\,::\_|(]:|:|:|\,[:||:|\_/:::::::: :::'/ \, :::::::::.\ \`:.\ \`::::::::::::':::::::::::::::::\::::::::: :''/___---' ::::::::::.| ,-'~.:'.) `.`:::::::::::::::::::::::::::(~):::::::: .=~~....:::::::::::::::`~.:::::.`~~~~~~~'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::: ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --lan De Smet ASCII Artist (sorta) and Magic addict.*