Paranoia XP Mission Blender Online

Team Leader Clearance:
Number of Service Services:
Secret Society Missions
Computer Phreak
Death Leopard
Corpore Metal
Frankenstein Destroyer
Free Enterprise
Pro Tech
Sierra Club

Your Mission

The Computer has generated the following mission for your team. It has been carefully designed to ensure the maximum safety and satisfaction for your team.

Paranoia is the Irrational Fear Someone is Out To Get You

(Fear) Dominant type of fear to install in the PCs: The Commie mutant traitors are losing, and that's bad.

(Irrational) General kind of weirdness or irregularity that prompts The Computer to assign a mission to the Troubleshooters: One kind of technological object (flybot authorization dongle) is misbehaving.

(Someone) Person, people, organization or agency responsible for the situation: The Computer-or, if it makes more sense, a paranoid with hand flamer (S3K energy) and reflec armor (El; colored as appropriate, or VIOLET) ULTRAVIOLET speaking to Vulture Warriors manipulating The Computer's local CompNode. (The identity of the Someone need not be obvious at the mission's outset, and in fact things may play out more appropriately if the Someone is not discovered until late in the proceedings.)

(Out To Get You) General apparent threat posed by the situation, or the consequences if the situation is left unresolved: An exterior force will conquer Alpha Complex. The Computer dispatches the Troubleshooters to intercept the force. The threat is real.

Mission Alert: Via high-frequency radio transmission that gives PCs excruciating headaches and sends petbots crazy with excitement. Briefing time is wrong. The information is missing, replaced by [INSERT DATA HERE] or similar. Secret society contacts or servile truckling to The Computer may fill in missing data.

Briefing: Briefing is in broom cupboard (or other small room). 1 briefing officers behind opaque bulletproof glass, voices electronically filtered.

This Mission: Investigate accusations of GREEN Armed Forces lieutenant planting evidence against VIOLET (sadistic hindrance, paranoid with needle gun (S3W impact) and kevlar armor (13)).

Outfitting: Infrared Market: An R&D-sponsored market. Every item "improved," although not in a way PCs or marketeers suspect. Costs only slightly above normal.

Debriefing: A compact office with one desk and a chair, occupied by the debriefing officer, with the PCs standing amid towers of forms, printouts and manila folders, all bearing the names of one or more PCs.

Find weird phrasing, clearly erroneous output, or other signs of filthy commie mutant traitor sabotage? Copy the offending passages and email them to the High Programmer for investigation.

The Paranoia XP Mission Blender Online is based on the Mission Blender included with the Paranoia XP GM's Screen, published by Mongoose Publishing Ltd., and is provided here with the permission of the copyright owners. Copyright © 1983, 1987, 2004 by Eric Goldberg & Greg Costikyan. PARANOIA is a trademark of Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan. All rights reserved.

Paranoia XP is fun. Other games are not fun. Buy Paranoia.

The Paranoia XP Mission Blender Online software was developed by Alan De Smet. Find bugs, weird language, or error messages? Want to chat about the Paranoia XP Mission Blender Online? Email me.