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Fast Fax News - 2004-02-18

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>>>>>>>>>>FAST FAX NEWS<<<<<<<<<<


Vladivostok, Russia -- The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) announced on Thursday that it is investigating the disappearance of over twenty citizens from a suburb of greater Vladivostok. The individuals are members of an outlawed cult called Seekers of the Void, which preaches that Halley's Comet signals the opening of a "bridge between worlds" which will see the return of an unknown type of spirit destined to rule metahumanity. The MVD initiated the investigation when signs of blood and a magical ritual were discovered in one missing cult-member's home. At this time the names of the missing cult members are being kept from the press while families are contact and leads are followed up. The MVD has officially posted stop and interrogate instructions to all local police organizations regarding the Seekers. The Russian government is urging all citizens that follow the Seekers to leave the group immediatly and contact a member of the police for questioning.


Quebec City, Quebec -- An early morning raid by an english-speaking radical group has resulted in much loss of life and property damage. The small corporate town of Edgewater, a few hours north of Quebec City in the country's interior, was hit late Friday night by a group of armed thugs. The group spraypainted the letters "FOA" on the walls of a research and development complex. FOA is a fringe group in Quebec known as the "Friends of Anglophiles". In the past they have been cited by the Quebecois government for violent anti-social actions against francophone speaking individuals and french-owned businesses. A firefight with security forces ensued at the Edgewater facitily that resulted in the death of more than 15 people and the destruction of the R&D facility. None of the radicals were captured. The corporate owner of Edgewater, the Milton Hedgers company, is owned by Antebellum Holdings, a New Orleans, CAS based company. The board of Antebellum holdings denounced this action, apparently based solely on the nationality of the company's ownership. We have not been able to reach the FOA for comment.

>>>>>>Salish Shidhe Council<<<<<<

Bellingham -- Despite recent tense events surrounding the Salish/Tsimshian border, preperations for a great festival are already underway. The festival, to be held next summer, will commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Great Ghost Dance. The Dance, a ritual of great power, was led by the late Daniel Coleman in 2017 as the final act of rebellion against the US. The festival will be held at the end of July 2062, and will incorporate designs and themes from all the tribes that took place in the dance. The festivities planned include a massive carnival, a series of parades showcasing the cultures and heritage of the tribes of the Native American Nations, and dramatic re-enactments of some of the most important moments of the war against the United State government. The festival planners are being tight lipped about some of the other specific events, but has already released details of the opening ceremony. A candle-light vigil will be held, led by the leaders of all the Native American nations via tridscreen. A line of 137 people, all dressed in the garb of the Ghost Dancers, will file solemnly into the place of commemoration. These people are meant to represent the lives lost in the fueling of the great ritual sacrifice. The 137 will be joined spectacularly by another dancer, meant to represent Daniel "Howling Coyote" Coleman. Renraku and Novatech have already placed bids to gain exclusive broadcast rights to the events. The NAN governments appear to be weighing all offers at this time.

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