High Programmer > Alan De Smet > Games > Role-Playing Games > Dungeons & Dragons > Dungeons & Dragons Statistics > Weapon Damage Statistics > 1d8 19-20/x2

1d8 19-20/x2

The y axis is percentage chance. The X axis is damage.

Weapons doing 1d8 19-20/x2 damage: small heavy crossbow, small heavy flail, small bastard sword, small repeating heavy crossbow, light crossbow, longsword, two-bladed sword (either end), repeating light crossbow

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
24.702 5.000000010.687500010.835937510.984375011.132812511.281250011.429687511.578125011.7265625 1.1875000 1.0390625 0.8906250 0.7421875 0.5937500 0.4453125 0.2968750 0.1484375
34.45510.000000010.125000010.265625010.406250010.546875010.687500010.828125010.968750011.1093750 1.1250000 0.9843750 0.8437500 0.7031250 0.5625000 0.4218750 0.2812500 0.1406250
44.20815.0000000 9.5625000 9.6953125 9.8281250 9.960937510.093750010.226562510.359375010.4921875 1.0625000 0.9296875 0.7968750 0.6640625 0.5312500 0.3984375 0.2656250 0.1328125
53.96020.0000000 9.0000000 9.1250000 9.2500000 9.3750000 9.5000000 9.6250000 9.7500000 9.8750000 1.0000000 0.8750000 0.7500000 0.6250000 0.5000000 0.3750000 0.2500000 0.1250000
63.71225.0000000 8.4375000 8.5546875 8.6718750 8.7890625 8.9062500 9.0234375 9.1406250 9.2578125 0.9375000 0.8203125 0.7031250 0.5859375 0.4687500 0.3515625 0.2343750 0.1171875
73.46530.0000000 7.8750000 7.9843750 8.0937500 8.2031250 8.3125000 8.4218750 8.5312500 8.6406250 0.8750000 0.7656250 0.6562500 0.5468750 0.4375000 0.3281250 0.2187500 0.1093750
83.21735.0000000 7.3125000 7.4140625 7.5156250 7.6171875 7.7187500 7.8203125 7.9218750 8.0234375 0.8125000 0.7109375 0.6093750 0.5078125 0.4062500 0.3046875 0.2031250 0.1015625
92.97040.0000000 6.7500000 6.8437500 6.9375000 7.0312500 7.1250000 7.2187500 7.3125000 7.4062500 0.7500000 0.6562500 0.5625000 0.4687500 0.3750000 0.2812500 0.1875000 0.0937500
102.72345.0000000 6.1875000 6.2734375 6.3593750 6.4453125 6.5312500 6.6171875 6.7031250 6.7890625 0.6875000 0.6015625 0.5156250 0.4296875 0.3437500 0.2578125 0.1718750 0.0859375
112.47550.0000000 5.6250000 5.7031250 5.7812500 5.8593750 5.9375000 6.0156250 6.0937500 6.1718750 0.6250000 0.5468750 0.4687500 0.3906250 0.3125000 0.2343750 0.1562500 0.0781250
122.22755.0000000 5.0625000 5.1328125 5.2031250 5.2734375 5.3437500 5.4140625 5.4843750 5.5546875 0.5625000 0.4921875 0.4218750 0.3515625 0.2812500 0.2109375 0.1406250 0.0703125
131.98060.0000000 4.5000000 4.5625000 4.6250000 4.6875000 4.7500000 4.8125000 4.8750000 4.9375000 0.5000000 0.4375000 0.3750000 0.3125000 0.2500000 0.1875000 0.1250000 0.0625000
141.73265.0000000 3.9375000 3.9921875 4.0468750 4.1015625 4.1562500 4.2109375 4.2656250 4.3203125 0.4375000 0.3828125 0.3281250 0.2734375 0.2187500 0.1640625 0.1093750 0.0546875
151.48570.0000000 3.3750000 3.4218750 3.4687500 3.5156250 3.5625000 3.6093750 3.6562500 3.7031250 0.3750000 0.3281250 0.2812500 0.2343750 0.1875000 0.1406250 0.0937500 0.0468750
161.23875.0000000 2.8125000 2.8515625 2.8906250 2.9296875 2.9687500 3.0078125 3.0468750 3.0859375 0.3125000 0.2734375 0.2343750 0.1953125 0.1562500 0.1171875 0.0781250 0.0390625
170.99080.0000000 2.2500000 2.2812500 2.3125000 2.3437500 2.3750000 2.4062500 2.4375000 2.4687500 0.2500000 0.2187500 0.1875000 0.1562500 0.1250000 0.0937500 0.0625000 0.0312500
180.74385.0000000 1.6875000 1.7109375 1.7343750 1.7578125 1.7812500 1.8046875 1.8281250 1.8515625 0.1875000 0.1640625 0.1406250 0.1171875 0.0937500 0.0703125 0.0468750 0.0234375
190.49590.0000000 1.1250000 1.1406250 1.1562500 1.1718750 1.1875000 1.2031250 1.2187500 1.2343750 0.1250000 0.1093750 0.0937500 0.0781250 0.0625000 0.0468750 0.0312500 0.0156250
200.23695.0000000 0.5937500 0.5976562 0.6015625 0.6054688 0.6093750 0.6132812 0.6171875 0.6210938 0.0312500 0.0273438 0.0234375 0.0195312 0.0156250 0.0117188 0.0078125 0.0039062